Wish List
I have been jockin' these shades for a while, and I still want the damn things. They are perfect for gigin' out like a Rock A Billy or just a greaser, two of my favorite styles!
I LOVE CRYSTALS! These necklaces are so freakin dope. They are crystals that have been placed into bullet shells. I want one so bad.
"It is possible that most Unearthen pieces have already chosen their bearers. The uniting of the crystal and empty bullet creates a powerful opposition, causing old dreams and new beginnings to fall upon its bearer. For this reason, the stone with the right properties for your needs will inherently attract you. Each crystal carries distinct properties. Its aims may be to clear your mind, focus your heart on goals you struggle to achieve, provide comfort in difficult times, or simply remind you of the balance between destruction and creation. Please choose your Unearthen piece with care.
Gia Bahm, creator of Unearthen, selects the crystals and bullets according to the histories, qualities, and sizes of the materials. She is a collector, an aestheticist, a creator, and a destructor… much like all of us who are constantly perplexed by the forces of nature and humankind. She lives and works in New York City, balancing her life between wardrobe styling and jewelry design, between summer nights in the woods and winter days on the streets. "
They truly are magical, for my info click - UNEARTHEN.com
Consigment Store Shopping in Ventura
One Mo Time
Wear It Again Sam
Consigning Woman
Wear It Again Sam
Consigning Woman
I will let you google the address if you want to go.
My Art
My boy Tysen from Tavik Clothing
While I was hanging out with Z MAN down in San Diego for ASR, I met his friend Tysen, who does a lot of graphic design work for various companies, including being one of the lead designers for Tavik Clothing. I don't know about this brand yet, from what I have heard, it's a bunch of rich kids spending their parents money, but who knows, I mean it is from Laguna Beach... which doesn't help my argument but, my friend does have some talent..regardless. AND oh oh, I forgot the best part of the story... so I was in SD and he was wearing the limited edition San Francisco REBEL 8 hat, and I was like damn that shit is fresh, and he knew I knew my art/ fashion because chics just don't know about REBEL 8, except for the cool ones :) so yeah, Tysen had an installation show with Mike Giant a while back...which means he is ligit, Mike G is like only my favorite artist (like OMG). Anywho, he invited me to do an art show! YES! Getting some art ready, not sure how long it will take me but I am hoping it will be done real soon.

Art Show Tonight
Kids On Drugs
This is srsly the funniest thing I have seen in a while, and if you have ever done drugs, this is exactly what its like!
What the fuck is a blog anyway?
So, I ask myself this everyday... what the fuck is a blog? Why is our generation reading blogs these days? Do you have to have a blog to be cool? HA! From a more professional view point, do blogs increase sales? Do they provide to be a good marketing tool? These are all things I ask myself. I started this blog as a social experiment, now... I don't know what to think.
Here are some funny definitions of what a "blog" is from urbandictionary.com
1. blog
Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
2. blog
3. blog
joe: What have you written in it?
tim: Oh just some random drivel.
joe: Sounds like the typical blog.
tim: Yeah, but plenty of people will still read it, and that will make me feel special.
joe: That's sad.
tim: I know.
4. blog
Here are some funny definitions of what a "blog" is from urbandictionary.com
1. blog
Short for weblog.
A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."
2. blog
a place where people bitch about their daily activities which nobody is interested in. topics like why they argue with boyfriend and how they end up together at last, daily aneroxic activities like drinking blended organic fruits and vegetable for breakfast, lunch and dinner, talking about cutting themselves with a razor blade and how good they felt, bitch about their shopping activities and what they got.
just another way to seek attention and sympathy from other people.
just another way to seek attention and sympathy from other people.
Sample of a blog entry:
Today i argued with my babypooh, he got mad a me just because justin asked me out for lunch, he ended up ignoring me and not calling me. i don't know what i've done wrong and why am i crying over it right now. it's just stupid, he's not the man that he used to be, i still remember how he treats me when we first started, it was all so nice and perfect. but now, we're like arguing over small matters almost every week. i don't think i can take this anymore, i'm just tired of this relationship.
owh look, someone actually commented on my previous entry.
Today i argued with my babypooh, he got mad a me just because justin asked me out for lunch, he ended up ignoring me and not calling me. i don't know what i've done wrong and why am i crying over it right now. it's just stupid, he's not the man that he used to be, i still remember how he treats me when we first started, it was all so nice and perfect. but now, we're like arguing over small matters almost every week. i don't think i can take this anymore, i'm just tired of this relationship.
owh look, someone actually commented on my previous entry.
3. blog
A recent and disturbing trend on the internet. A blog lets people easily post comments onto a webpage. While blogs have many purposes, some of which can be useful, most people seem to use blogs as a way of having an online diary. These people have such massive egos and are so narcissistic that they believe that other people would be interested in reading their pointless ramblings. Even more disturbing is the fact that many people have such boring lives that they have nothing better to do than to read these stupid online diaries. They just feed the egos of the "bloggers" and encourage them to continue posting nonsense. Hopefully, "blogging" will turn out to be just a fad that passes quicky
tim: Hey i just set up a blog on my website.joe: What have you written in it?
tim: Oh just some random drivel.
joe: Sounds like the typical blog.
tim: Yeah, but plenty of people will still read it, and that will make me feel special.
joe: That's sad.
tim: I know.
4. blog
Before it became an internet word, blog was a very strong drink of indeterminate recipe invented by sf fans, worse even than their Nuclear Fizz; like Monty Python’s Australian “fighting” wine, it is generally believed that blog is best left in the bottle so it can be used for hitting people over the head with.
He drank a large glass of blog and promptly fell over.
You know you're from Santa Barbara when...
Just for you locals..... - You say Santa Barbara with a silent T - You get ocean views from the mountains. - Fiesta eggs! - Santa Barbara hates San Marcos, San Marcos hates Santa Barbara. They both hate Dos Pueblos and Bishop is completely forgotten about. - You know which theater to sneak into.. duhhhh stadium seating! - Two words... Lazy Acres. - You know the pit, the wall, hams, the cove, conch, r beach and everywhere in between. - When you've seen the van with the mirrors, tiles and stuff all over it. - There's rain on fiesta friday. - Knowing a "mission" with your friends, isn't visiting the SB Mission. - You've seen State Street's snake people and that old black guy with the lap bongo! He's so cool! - You see a million people you know just driving around town. - You go to mansion house parties. - Frescos. Flourless chocolate cupcakes. MMM. - NATURAL CAFE! - You drive up to the snow that one week of the year. - You have snuck into Bacara and Biltmore. - You've been to secret bonfire locations and the non-secret spots too. - You've walked the journey to R beach in the dark. - You know everyone in SB through somebody else. - You see whole families wearing rainbow sandals. - You know the music academy's password to avoid traffic. - Finding sea glass at Hope Ranch Beach. - You've attended the Hope Ranch Beach campout. - Volleyball at East Beach. - You've visited Circle Bar n B. - You leave to try and make enough money only so you can move back. - You miss Mason B. Mason - You know the EXACT time it takes to get from Montecito to the other side of town. - You know who "Jesus" is, and also know that he has the best weed. - State street is so overrated, and you drive to Ventura to get some quality shopping done. - You graduated high school and yet you come home and still see everyone you know. - Being star-struck is not cool. - The cars in the high school parking lot are worth more than the school itself. - The average price of your house is higher than any other zipcode. - Hangover breakfasts at Mesa Cafe are a must. - Goleta is soo not the same. - You flash your brights at people parked at the sunset lookout/makeout point near the Pit. - You go to the beach every day in summer, and almost every day the rest of the year. - Summertime means having to take APS everywhere. - You know where the best (and cheapest) Mexican food place is in town. - You feel really cool when you hang out on the wall and get to talk to all the sleaze balls that graduated a million years before you did. - Friday means HABIT day. - You go to In N' Out after every single SM vs. SB game in hopes of watching a fight. - You don't look twice at the Picasso hanging on the wall of your friend's mansion. - You know where Super Cucas #1, #2, and #3 are, and love going to #2 because Hector works there. - Ice blocking and glow bowling is something you do when you're bored on a Wednesday night. - You wore your rocket dogs and Juicy jumpsuit to Zelos on Sundays. - You miss Be-Bop-Burgers and Hot Spots! - Homeless people and Bentley's can live together in harmony. - You can point out a tourist in a millisecond. - You see 10 year olds wearing Juicy. - You think the SB vs. SM game is the biggest thing of the year. - Alll your friends from out of town love IV and your OVER IT. - You took prom pics at the Mission rose garden. - You've hiked at Cold Springs and 7 falls. - You miss the crooked neck giraffe...RIP :( - No one understands why you laugh out loud at the San Marcos Pass scenes in "The Graduate" and "Austin Powers 2." - You know what "El Nino" is and what it did to Santa Barbara. - You've seen Oprah walking around in her sweats in Montecito and Britney on State just cruisin. - You've seen Paul Walker at the SB Bowl or surfing at Butterfly Beach. - You can order at Cajun without looking at the menu. - You get off and then back on the freeway at Garden and Milpas to avoid the bottleneck. - When you were younger, Kid's World was the greatest thing on earth. And your handprint is still there. - You know how many times the cow has been painted. - You know or recognize at least two people who show up on this front page... - You don't necessarily recognize the people on the front page, but you know their siblings. - Living in a non beach town just doesnt cut it, you always come back. - You hate Chipotle and Jamba Juice because you have Freebirds and Blenders. - It drizzles and the 101 backs up. - You search high and low for a Rusty's in other cities but then realize that only in SB will you find such a treasure. - You're late for school because of traffic from Michael Jackson's trial. - You get pulled over and searched in IV because "your headlight is out" when you know for a fact it isn't. - Your run down shack goes for over a million easily. - You've seen what happens to the dolphin fountain when you put soap in it. - You've walked up and down the La Playa stadium steps to workout in the morning. - You've been at a sports field and heard/seen the homeless spectators heckling the players. - You're pissed about Santa's new location in the ghetto of Oxnard. - You remember eating at Fresh Choice on State Street. - You know that Hope Ranch is great to drive through at two in the morning, because the police pretty much never go there. - You know where to find a Farmers' Market almost any day of the week. - A winter wardrobe consists of jean skirts and Uggs. - You know where Periwinkle Lane is and what you can find there. - You remember when the 101 had a stop-light to cross State Street. - No one from the other states know where your city is but everyone in France knows exactly and laughs when you try to explain that it's close to LA. - The football jocks have 4.0's and are accepted to most ivy league schools. - You remember Orchid Bowl, Powell Skate Park, and the Living Room. - Your english teacher asks, "Why is your car worth 10,000 more than mine?". - You abbreviate the shit out of everything....whatev. - Traffic backs up along the beach by the cemetary, so you take the "short cut" and everyone hates you. - You spent most of your childhood in the huge wave in Be Bop Burgers. - You know about the crazy house that seems to be made out of marble and the dog on Garden that is dressed up for every damn holiday. - You know who really decorates that big tree in off San Ysidro every year in the middle of the night. - Your city concert bowl has quiet hours at 10:30 pm. - Forget Zodos, it was all about the Old San Marcos Bowl. - You have been in the Hope Ranch newspaper for doing something stupid. - You dressed as a freak for Summer Solstice. - You, or someone you were close to, played AYSO as a kid. - You know where and what More Mesa is. - You and your house almost get blown away during winter break. - Jack Johnson's wife was your math teacher, and he performed at your high school's talent show. - You walk into a bar and you realized you played spin the bottle with the bartender about 8 years ago. - You've tipped the guy who makes the sand sculptures by the wharf. - You've tried to take a picture of that same guy, and got yelled at. - You meet your friends in front of CPK but never go in. - You know who the guy with the lip piercing that works in the shoe section of Nordstroms is. - You've seen the whale skeleton, the giant squid on ceiling, the wave simulator and that topless Chumash woman diorama. - Seeing Mission creek when it's full after rains. - Rocky Nook Park. - The old BMX jumps they used to have down in the gully next to the mission lawn. - If you're a Royal, you hate the way they repainted all the traffic lights by school for some lame senior gift after you graduated. - You know where Francesci Park is and go there regularly with your friends at night to look at the INSANE view of the city. - It's 85 degrees on Valentines Day. - There are more than 10 stores in town that sell jeans for more than $250. - Your Halloween isnt just one night, its a whole weekend. - Everyone thinks Carp is the ghetto. - Everyone knows who the "back flip for a dollar guys" are. - You've laughed at the weird bellydancer on State. - You know which kids are tweakers, cokeheads, stoners, and alcoholics just by looking at them. - You called Mona when you were kids...966-6969...at the sound of moan, the time is... - You've never stayed in a hotel in SB, but you sure have swam in their pools. - You've kissed someone on "the wall." - You remember the earthling. - You've eaten at main squeeze. - At one point of your life you've waited out in front of CPK to be picked up. - You make fun of all the junior high kids congregated at Camino... but remember doing it yourself. - Your friends had birthday parties at Skating Plus and you thought it took forever to get there. - You always thought your house was kind of small until you realized that you have mountain and ocean views and it's worth over a million. - You complain that SB is getting more like L.A. everyday, but never want to leave and still want to raise your family here. - You can honestly say that your parents burnt down the Bank of America in IV during the summmer of ’69. - You rent snowboards at Mountain Air instead of at Mammoth. - You go to a party in Hope Ranch and Montecito (the kind of places people dream about) in the same night. - The parties are broken up usually by 9:30. - 5 cops cars show up to one high school party. - You show up to class and see half the students with Starbucks. - Your idea of bad traffic is a 10 minute wait at Milpas. - You drive around the Milpas round-about at 1 AM at least 6 times going over 50 mph. - You drive down Haley after 10 to awkwardly look at the hookers. - The girl you meet in line at Freebirds ends up in Playboy the next month. - John Cleese has almost run you over at least once. This list has been compiled from a bunch of Santa Barbara kids- most of these items I agree with, others could go kick rocks and go back to Goleta. HA ! Nah, I am not a hater now that I work in the Goodland, but yeah. That's all. |
Katy Perry at SB Bowl
Welcome Home Katy!
Most everyone in Santa Barbara is excited about SB's newest star, Katy Perry, SB Loco, this Spring at the Santa Barbara Bowl
Saturday, May 9 - 7:00 PM
General Admission Floor $29.50
Preferred J,K,L,M,N,O Price $29.50
G,H,I : $29.50
D,E,F: $29.50
A,B,C: $29.50
Get your tickets ASAP before they sell out!
Opening for Katy is my high school bros THEM TERRIBLES!
Every radio station has been blowin' the concert up, HA, so funny, Spencer from KJEE rousted Katy for going straight to the bowl due to her overnight stardom, meaning that she never played Velvet, Soho, or any of the smaller venues. Good shit. She claims that this will be her best show yet. Hmmmm, well see after The Grammys show.
SB or Bust.
Coachella Line Up
Friday, April 17th
A Place To Bury Strangers
Alberta Cross
Buraka Som Sistema
Cage the Elephant
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Craze and Klever
Crystal Castles
Dear and the Headlights
Felix da Housecat
Franz Ferdinand
Genghis Tron
Ghostland Observatory
Girl Talk
Gui Boratto
Leonard Cohen
Los Campesinos!
M. Ward
Noah and the Whale
Patton & Rahzel
Paul McCartney
Peanut Butter Wolf
People Under the Stairs
Ryan Bingham
Silversun Pickups
Steve Aoki
The Crystal Method
The Aggrolites
The Airborne Toxic Event
The Black Keys
The Bug
The Courteeners
The Hold Steady
The Knux
The Presets
The Ting Tings
We Are Scientists
White Lies
Alberta Cross
Buraka Som Sistema
Cage the Elephant
Conor Oberst and the Mystic Valley Band
Craze and Klever
Crystal Castles
Dear and the Headlights
Felix da Housecat
Franz Ferdinand
Genghis Tron
Ghostland Observatory
Girl Talk
Gui Boratto
Leonard Cohen
Los Campesinos!
M. Ward
Noah and the Whale
Patton & Rahzel
Paul McCartney
Peanut Butter Wolf
People Under the Stairs
Ryan Bingham
Silversun Pickups
Steve Aoki
The Crystal Method
The Aggrolites
The Airborne Toxic Event
The Black Keys
The Bug
The Courteeners
The Hold Steady
The Knux
The Presets
The Ting Tings
We Are Scientists
White Lies
Saturday, April 18th
Amanda Palmer
Amy Winehouse
Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti
Band Of Horses
Billy Talent
Blitzen Trapper
Bob Mould Band
Booker T
Cloud Cult
Dr. Dog
Drive By Truckers
Drop The Lime
Electric Touch
Fleet Foxes
Gang Gang Dance
Glass Candy
Henry Rollins
Hercules and Love Affair
Ida Maria
James Morrison
Junior Boys
Michael Franti & Spearhead
Surkin, Para One (Live)
The Bloody Beetroots
The Killers
Thievery Corporation
TV On The Radio
Zane Lowe
Zizek Club
Sunday, April 19th
Antony and the Johnsons
Brian Jonestown Massacre
Christopher Lawrence
Friendly Fires
Fucked Up
Groove Armada (DJ Set)
Jenny Lewis
Late of the Pier
Lupe Fiasco
Lykke Li
Marshall Barnes
Mexican Institute of Sound
My Bloody Valentine
No Age
Okkervil River
Paolo Nutini
Paul Weller
Perry Farrell
Peter Bjorn and John
Public Enemy
Roni Size Reprazent
Sebastien Tellier
Shepard Fairey
The Cure
The Gaslight Anthem
The Horrors
The Kills
The Night Marchers
Throbbing Gristle
Vivian Girls
Yeah Yeah Yeah's
Del The Funky Homosapien
Blaze It
Trying to get the pics up from the art show, but I got shot down at work, I have the high res ones that will be used for The Skateboard Mag, so until that shit is printed and off the press, then I can re-post the pics from show....
Holding down the door duty!
Lance Mountain
21 Years of Respect
Grant Britain and his pro deck- Skateboarding's oldest photographer
Glowing Gouls
Billy Baker, formerly the Shorty's team manager back in the day when they were cranking... SOC artist
Me, guarding the box of limited edition Tech Decks
For now, here is some pics from ASR
1st Powell Peralta Skateboarding Video Circa 1982
One of our clients found this on you tube. Good Shit.