Gosh! Have never heard of Pin Up artist Santiago? His work is amazing! I am a huge fan, he hit me up about a year and a half ago, I had no idea who he was, now after some time, I am literally a devoted true fan. I find his work amazing, and his rhetoric even more inspiring. He understands every aspect of Pin Ups and then some. Here are some portraits for your enjoyment.
This one is my fave. Got it on order right now, will be up in my room :) for my enjoyment everyday. So will the first one on this post. I was a huge My Little Pony Fan. Still am I guess. Covering my walls with Pin Ups. Get inspired every day to be the best lady you can be!
About Santiago from his website-
"I never had an official bio, and won't bore you with one now. Nor will I talk in the third person about what companies and exhibitions I collaborated with. I would rather be genuine and embarrass myself before you with a story. A story about a nerdy kid too shy, socially awkward, and pathetically nervous to talk to pretty girls. So instead, I painted them. Beauty controls the world. All men pursue her; all women admire or strive to be her. Even the religions of the world showcase her. Show me a painting of an ugly Virgin Mary, a homeless looking Buddha or an out of shape Hindu Goddess. Instead of being like the cool kids who went out, had social lives and did stuff, I stayed home watching Anime, drawing and painting beauty, gathering inspiration from countless sources. Fast forward many years, I am still that nerdy fellow creating provocative visuals blending experimental urban futuristic pinups filled with cultural mash-ups, musical eroticism, deep emotion, robotic fashion forwardness, exotically tanned curvaceousness with a twist of religious-spiritual-social consciousness. Success for me is simple. At the end of the day the only thing that matters in my "success" as an artist is.... does my art move you? Can you feel my passion through the colors, shapes, textures and concepts that are spilling out of my brain for you to enjoy?"