I have to admit, I was pretty confused when I stepped into Chris Keet's yard for the Lakers game yesterday and saw a grip of Montana Spray Paint. Rewind for a sec, Chris Keet's runs the famous Rincon Classic surf competition each year, and founded Surf Happens. Surf Happens is Santa Barbara's premier surf school during the summer and is held at SB's safest beach, Santa Claus Lane. For more info, check the link.
Back to my story. As I walk in, I see all these Montana Spray Cans and almost wet myself. I am like... "who is busting out in Chris's yard? Like seriously." I was bewildered because here was all this professional art equipment at this surfer's house. Random. I turn, and I see his surf trailer all pimped out with the radest designs on it and a sick painting of Sand Bar, that only a local can draw. That Surfs. Because if you know, that shit spits. And it is spitting all over Chris's new surf wip.
Chris tells me that Wyatt Perkins busted it out, and I was literally overwhelmed with joy. Wyatt is a Santa Barbara Local kid I have grown up with since 7th grade who is extremely talented at painting and drawing. I haven't seen Wyatt for a while, and I was enthralled by the fact that he was painting again and involved in this amazing surf program that stokes out kids all summer, and it made me really really happy. I am so happy to see hommie movin' and doing what he does best, paint and draw- for himself.