This is the first image I have from the Suicide Girls. Initially, I learned about these killer chics (literally) when I watching the footage from Create Skateboards Rumble In Ramona skate contest. I am into hot rods and pin ups, so that contest really intrigued me, not to mention my fascination with the Hesh Law. I saw them, and I was like "What the heck are all these hot pin ups doing at this Hesh party?" And then I realized, they were down, they were down for life, just like Thrasher is down with skateboarding, you know? It made me kind of jealous.Then I found their site, and became obsessed. Once I was set on these chics, and possibly, the thought of one day signing myself up, I started doing more research! And what do you know, Mike Dirt, the king of SB POP, had a book at his house of the Suicide Girls. I started reading it the other day and realized I really am hooked. I can't tell you why I am so facsinated with Pin Ups, hot rod culture, and this new contempory image of what was once a prestinly posed woman from the 1950's, but all I can say is that "I want that hair style" and the look. I am fazing out of the surfer chic- I want this minus the tats. Joshy Dee from Rebel 8 and Mike Giant told me to not get a tatoo and leave my body pure. So that is what I am going to do, I think. For now, I have to be a square. Fuck You Society.
Here are my photos of my favorite Suicide Girls.