As the New Year is approaching, most of us goal oriented folks are looking to make a shift and find an opportunity to grow. Half of 2012 has been all about growing for me, shedding layers off my emotional onion, and aligning myself with my highest energy and power source- which has been exhausting to say the least and I still feel like I have barely cracked at this damn thing. I am making an effort on Mischief to connect more with my readers this year and be more true to my authentic self. For the past five years, this blog has been a compilation of all the various forms of inspiration that enter into my life on a daily basis and I am hoping to make it something more and I hope you will support me on this journey however it unfolds on here.
In 2012, the Serenity Prayer kept me afloat at times when I felt helpless and confused. The truth is, most of my suffering has came from trying to control situations that are beyond my control. Does this sound familiar? We all do it, just some more than others depending on our situations. When I become upset about a particular situation, I start by asking myself if it is something that is within my control? Am I trying to control something that is beyond me? Most of the time the answer is yes and I have to surrender the thought over to my Higher Power and trust that She (my inner Godess whom others may also call their Soul perhaps) will take care of it. That is as simple as it gets. Sounds easy right? You wouldn't believe how many times I have to go through this process on daily basis. Either way, this prayer and Mantra has given me great relief and I hope to continue to use this tool daily.
Are you working on any goals for this New Year?
Repeating the Serenity Prayer is defiantly something I plan on doing this year. Please keep in mind that I am not trying to push one certain faith, this is just something that has worked for me and given me tremendous relief in my daily affairs. Cheers & To Each His Own.