Well I know it is a little late to wish everyone a Happy New Years but that doesn't really matter! Happy Twenty Ten! I hope you had a nice evening. Mine was pretty good, just because I got to kiss Kilian at midnight, thanks babe for taking these cute pics of my outfit. Well half of it anyway.
I'm wearing a black floral lace off the shoulder tunic, if you don't know where to get this puppy by now (I have had it since high school and since purchased several more) then I'm not going to tell ya! HA! Nah email me if you have to have it. It is the Brittany Spears in her prime look. It is perhaps one of my top five pieces in my closet.
Writing your goals down commits you to them on a deeper level than just thinking them up, visualizing is a key part of the manifestation process. Here are some of my goals for 2010:
- Create a physical "black book" art porfolio as well as an electronic one
- Learn more graphic design / Illistrator
- Work out (at least) three times a week
- Create at least 5 pieces for an art show
- Draw & paint more
- Take a photography class
- Learn how to kick flip and skate verts/ DROP IN ON A MINI RAMP!!
- Collaborate more with other artists
- Travel!!!!!
- Learn my grandmother's recipes Italian/MExican
I hope I can do all of these things!! Wish me luck!!! Now it is your turn:)
Oh thanks to my baby girl kitty Rudolpha for modeling with me, she is the best kitty cat!