Last week, we had a scarf party at Dirt's house. Dirt got his little hands on a loot of sicki fashion scarves. I got 8 scarves total and have been planning my outfits around them since. They make for the best accessory and have so many uses. I would hit up Mike if you are interested! Good prices, FYI this is some under ground rootsy shit. Not sure if there is any left, but I am sure he would be happy to let you know! Holler at me if you want in.
Not only did we get to play with cool scarves for a couple hours, we took out the paint pens and white labels and made little hit-ups, while listening to techno. A hipster's dream right? HA!! Good energy and company. When is the next gig? Hope it is soon!
Not only did we get to play with cool scarves for a couple hours, we took out the paint pens and white labels and made little hit-ups, while listening to techno. A hipster's dream right? HA!! Good energy and company. When is the next gig? Hope it is soon!